Saturday, May 14, 2011

Smarter Than The Average Bear?

Hone Harawira may just have boo-booed in his timing.
The Bro this week resigned from Parliament (effective May 20th), forcing a by-election in his Te Tai Tokerau electorate. He wants to secure the seat under the banner of his new Mana Party, before November's general election.
But Mana might not be registered in time: the Electoral Commission says it could take 6-8 weeks to process the application...and the by-election is on June 25th! Before registering a party, the Electoral Commission's gotta be happy it has at least 500 current paid-up members, among other things.
So the writ for the by-election will be issued on May 25th. Candidate nominations close May 31st and the date the writ must be returned showing successful candidates is July 14th. Opps. (This will of course add fuel to his "white motherf###ers" conspiracy theory!).
This stumble follows Hone's realisation that as soon as he resigns from Parliament, his MP salary stops...unless he walks back in there as Man Of Mana. Opps again.
"How do ya like my
'serious political threat' look?"
Of course, if he doesn't win, then it'll be opps times three!
But according to media reports, things are gettin' ugly back in da 'hood, with intimidating activity aimed at ensuring HH's return. Two Maori Party members received threatening emails after last Sunday's meeting at Te Tii Marae in Waitangi (yeup, the same hui where Hone's mum Titewhai ranted and raved for four solid hours). No-one's actually saying who dunnit, but you don't need a brain surgeon's degree to draw up a short-list.
Still, let 'em agitate - it won't make much difference. Because, unless the paperwork comes together in remarkable speed...sorry, Bro, but you're outta time!

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