Sunday, May 15, 2011

*Pssst?* Want Some Cheap RWC Tickets?

The NZ government still refuses to accept it might have an ever-so-slight problem with the *yawn* Rugby World Cup...
Only half the tickets have been sold so far. That's nearly 790,000 - another half a million need to sell, just so that we can STILL lose financially! Tournament sales have to hit $99 million (1.3 million tickets) reach the target operating deficit of $39 mill!
buy some tickets..."
But now, the excuses start rollin' out: RWC Minister Muddling McCully is blaming the Christchurch earthquake for causing nervousness overseas. He said it's taking a while for the word to get out that NZ is fine: it's just poor ol' Chch that's f***ed! He obviously hasn't heard of the internet...
Muzz reckons sales will improve, once tickets for the relocated Christchurch matches go back on sale next week. Well, they'll have to move fast: the tourny starts Sept.9th! But some travel agents think there'll be many spare seats at some of the minor games.
In neighbouring Australia, ticket sales are sluggish. Sales slowed late last year, with the cost of tickets and accommodation (yes, NZ's gobsmacking über-greedy accomodation price-scalping!) combining with the earthquake, a spate of Oz disasters, and the recession.
Total Sports Travel, an offical tournament travel agent: "What we've sold in 18 months, we've got to do another half in six months." Hmmm, too big an ask? Don't worry: NZ still has plenty of couches to sleep on...!
...speaking of bedding down, a bigger RWC issue seems to be the on-your-back action.
Immigration NZ is stepping up border security and brothel checks to clamp down on overseas here to work illegally.
Although prostitution in NZ is not a crime, it's illegal for anyone on a temporary visa (like tourists or international students), to work in the sex industry. With the expected influx of fans, brothels are expecting a boom-boom, baby!
Immigration GM of intelligence, risk and integrity, Steve Stuart says: "Major international sporting events are likely to increase demand for sex workers, and we're ready for that." Yeup, free condoms for all can never be too careful when carrying out those inspections!
PS: 17 May 2011 - Doubts raised over NZ's ability to host RWC.

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