Thursday, October 21, 2010

TV3 Going Mainstream

It was bound to happen.
With the loss of TV1's Paul Henry trump-card from Breakfast, hungry eyes've been viewing the lucrative 25-54yr.old demographic currently dominated by TV1.
Well, yesterday Mediaworks announced major changes to both its TV3 and C4 tv channels, aiming to get themselves a bigger slice of that pie. C4 (currently targeting the 15-39yr.old audience) will refocus on the current TV3 key demographic of 18-49. It will be re-branded as FOUR, and broaden its appeal to attract a wider more mature audience. And in turn TV3 will go head-to-head with TV1 for the 25-54s.
Just when this will happen is unclear: Mediaworks' statement said both "the FOUR change will be immediate" and "commencing in early 2011" in the same sentence. Confused? And, just as nebulously, the TV3 changes will happen "over time".
It'll be interesting to see what fresh programming TV3 will source to please the 25-54s. It should be good news for viewers and serious competition for TV1/TV2 as, in theory at least, competition spurs greater excellence...
And it'll even more intriguing to see in time if any channel will target the growing "Baby Boomer" balloon (say, 35-65). That demographic, with a more current outlook than its predecessors, its disposable income, healthier lifestyle, more varied interests does not seek re-runs of "Mrs.Marple" or "Steptoe & Son". And it's certainly not a demographic that feels on the fast road to oblivion.
So the challenge is there - I wonder if any channel feels confident enough?

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