Friday, October 22, 2010

There And Back Again...

Once upon a time, in a beautiful land at the bottom of the world, there lived a filmmaker called Peter who thought it would be fun to make a big movie about little folk and a powerful ring.
The government of this MiddleEarth land thought so too, and gave huge concessions to the overseas moviemakers, to film here and bring jobs and properity to the movie industry. And so it came to pass that everyone was happy: the movie was outstanding, the orcs had work, the country's beauty was praised overseas and the possibility of a prequel looked very strong indeed...
But from across the sea came dark rumblings of discontent - ozzie orcs wanted a piece of the pie. Though it had nothing whatsoever to do with them, they waved their spears and stirred up the kiwi orcs to make excessive demands.
Filmmaker Peter warned the orcs that everyone might lose, if they tried to grab the Ring. But they did not listen - yes, the orcs were bound together in the darkness by the evil of greed.
The overseas moviemakers decided this beautiful land had a foul heart and was no longer the ideal film-making venue. So they took their mithril coats and sailed away to the Grey Havens on the other side of the world, where they made their prequel without any nasty unionised orc demands and lived happily ever after.
Meanwhile back in beautiful MiddleEarth, a long black cloud fell. The movie industry slumped from its wonderous golden peak: it had gone "There And Back Again", and everyone lost out because some had selfishly tried to snatch the Ring for themselves...

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