Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tah-Tah To Titewhai From Te Tii?

Common sense prevails on Waitangi's Te Tii Marae.
Bite me!
Rabid maori activist Titewhai Harawira could be banned from the marae, following her disruption of a recent hui there - when she called Maori Party delegates snakes and liars as they discussed whether to contest a by-election in the Te Tai Tokerau seat held by mummy's boy, Hone Harawira.
Seven board members, including the chair, emailed that her behaviour was a blatant breach of Maori protocol: "The hate tactics being used to create dissension...and division...and the taint of her foul language in our house of ancestors, on a marae which is significant to both Maori and Pakeha, is not acceptable...the marae would not be a dumping ground for personal agendas any longer...the political poncing and resultant rancidification of Maori protocols by bullies who want everything their own way by whatever foul means, are not traits that this particular board would wish to have our children and young adults perceive as being the Ngapuhi way forward."
They said if deemed necessary, trespass notices would be issued. Well done, Te Tii Marae board, for staring down such crap!
See these fingers...?
Hone-bro's mum says she's not fazed: "One of the protocols people need to learn about the marae is that those challenges leave them there with our ancestors and that's it." In other words, that ain't gonna shut her up!
It's moments like
these, you need
And HH won't be telling mum to bite her tongue either. In fact he reckons the Maori Party should just toughen up: "(My mum and sister) are not even talking to the media any more – as far as they are concerned it just needed to be we move on." Riiiiiiight - by adding more radical elements to the Mana Party melting pot, like left-wing activist John Minto?
'How To Further Polarise Your Political Party: 101'.

PS: 18 May 2011 - ...meanwhile Peter Dunne (United Future leader) says Titewhai is "not a fit and proper person" to escort the Prime Minister onto the Treaty Grounds during NZ Day celebrations. Hear-hear!!


  1. Yes I still remember the debarkle she caused at Carrington Hospital. That one.....needs to be locked away in a cupboard the the key thrown away. Always in the trouble other

  2. I agree that Mrs.Harawira is no fit person to escort the PM onto the marae.
    So the question then arises: just who IS?
    Does the marae have a short list from which Govt.House selects? Does the PM have to put up with whomever the marae names?
    Is everyone too SCARED of the old dragon, to offer an alternative?
    Why MUST we put up with this woman's spite all year, only to see her acting like some saintly goody-two-shoes on Waitangi Day?
