Monday, May 2, 2011

Is Love Really THIS Blind?

Every day, Sharon Armstrong's explanation about being tricked into smuggling drugs smells more dodgy...
Armstrong, a former Maori Language Commission deputy CEO, was arrested on April 13th. after Buenos Aires Airport police allegedly found 5kg cocaine hidden in her suitcase (@ NZ street value $250gm = about $1.25m!).
Many want to believe she was conned by an online romeo: smitten people can do silly things. She claims she was duped into believing she was taking a top secret business contract to a man in London, who she’d been dating online for 6mths: "I know I’ve been incredibly stupid, but I was in love...I know I am innocent, my family and friends know I am innocent. If you ask them, they'll say my biggest fault is that I’m too trusting."
+ Considering her family and friends also warned her it was a scam, any request to take a strange package should have rung loud warning bells - especially from someone you’ve never met...
+ Now, you can accept this sad tale of a lonely middle-aged woman looking on-line for love and getting burnt, but... she was a probation officer for eight years (1990-1998)! You don't work with criminals for that long and remain gullible...
+ She was carrying three driving licences in her name - NZ, Oz, and Cook Islands. The Cooks one had expired (so why carry it?) and she said the Oz licence was for visiting family. A NZ licence can be used in Australia for a limited time, so that raises questions…
+ Contrary to reports that she’d just diverted to Buenos Aries to collect some papers, she actually spent a week there sightseeing. Sorry, but if you’re rushing to London to meet the love of your life, you don't take a week-long detour on the way. The excitement of meeting your heart-throb in person would make any sightseeing seem an unwanted delay...
+ This weekend NZ Herald reported that Sharon admitted knowing about a secret package hidden in her suitcase, but thought it was paperwork. She said she did not notice the 5kg cocaine. WTF? Just add ten packets of butter to your grocery bag…you WILL notice the weight! And hello – 5kg of paperwork?
+ Armstrong is refusing to name the scammer or say how she came into possession of the suitcase. Well, I understand the maximum penalty for cocaine trafficking in Argentina is 15 years...
Ok, all my musing is based completely on news reports and, like none of us here, I don’t know the complete story. But sorry, Sharon, there are just too many holes in your story, and "Love is blind” is not a recognised legal defence.
PS: 24 March 2012 - Armstrong is convicted of cocaine smuggling.

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