Wednesday, March 9, 2011

From Curry To Hangi

New fragrances that could soon be prevalent around Government House in Wellington will reflect the change of guard.
From August 31st., former Defence Force head Jerry Mateparae becomes NZ's new Governor-General, replacing incumbent Sir Anand Satyanand.
Mateparae's a good sort - a highly-regarded military man who's been in the Green Machine since '72 and risen through the ranks to become Lieutenant-General. He stood down just months ago to be spy boss at the top secret Govt Communications Security Bureau.
Mateparae was the first maori Defence Force chief, and will be just the second maori Governor-General (after the Rt.Revd.Sir Paul Reeves). He'll also receive a knighthood - being elevated to the Chancellor of the NZ Order of Merit, and made an additional Knight Grand Companion of the Order - so he'll be Sir the Right Honourable Jerry Mateparae.
Sir Anand's term ends on August 23, with a state farewell for him on August 17.
So now, let's see: a maori, educated, served his country in the military, family man, fit...ya can't get more kiwi than him really!
Remember Paul Henry's racially-slanted flippancy of last October to the Prime Minister regarding the next Gov-Gen.: "Are you going to choose a NZer who looks and sounds like a NZer this time?"
Well, this appointment should keep the giggling fool if anything really could!

+ ...and speaking of racially-slanted loudmouths, Hone Harawira - that rabid/radical ex-Maori Party MP and purveyor of separatist flags - yesterday missed voting on the very subject he was so incensed about!
The second reading of the bill to replace the Foreshore and Seabed Act passed through Parliament but Hone-bro FORGOT to vote! Under the Maori Party umbrella he formerly sheltered beneath, his vote would have been cast for him, but now the reality of being an independent MP means he has to do everything for himself.
Not an auspicious start to this latest stage of his career: things won't be as easy as Hone thinks they might be...

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