Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Faster Than An Inbound Cruise Missile!

Talk about quick off the mark!
The missiles' exhaust fumes still drift over the Libyan desert, and the scammers have already sent out this diatribe from one General A.A.Bin-Zafar (from a supposed Libyan email address, but with the reply address based in China)!
"Greetings fellow.
First, I want to solicit for your absolute confidence and assurance that this transmission is of mutual benefit and do not mean any harm as it is strictly risk free.
I am General Ahmed Abdullahi Bin-Zafar of the Libyan Military. I am sorry I have to put this story short because of time. I and my colleague General of the oil wells chief and security of Libyan crude oil, have watched the incumbent president stash away over US$140billion through relatives and few friends abroad during this ongoing political crisis in Libya, please watch or other media telecast covering the invents and present happening in Libya.
With my position I need not to be told that I have to use this opportunity to secure my family future. I am contacting you to assist me because I came in to one of the west African country through the diplomatic channel with a consignment worth of US$45Million which I want you to take hold of in your country as I will soon resign from this work and war going on in Libya.
Contact me immediate by email so that I can introduce/link you to my attorney who knows where I am deposited the consignment funds because I having to return to Libya as soon as possible. The attorney will guard you through all the legal process and to protect our both financial interest. You shall be entitled 20% of these funds on completion of transfer to your bank account.
Be rest assured that this communication is totally free from all risks. Above all I want you to keep this tightly confidential, if you feel you can't do it please delete this letter for good.
Allah Bless You.
Gen. A. A. Bin-Zafar."
Oh absolutely, fellow! Be rest very assured, General, I am being certainly keep this most tightly confidential! Bloody pillick!!