Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bundy Goes Bang!

"In Australia back in 1888, so the story goes, a band of sugar-millers faced a massive oversupply of molasses, so they came up with an ingenious solution: Bundaberg Rum. Now, what would happen if they applied their ingenious thinking to today's problems?"
That's the premise behind Bundaberg Rum's latest Ozzie tv ad, featuring the creators of Bundy returning from the past, to berate a golfer who’s willing to let the obstacle of a crocodile on the course hurt his score.
By all accounts, the Australian Advertising Standards Board received a string of complaints about said tvc...but the ad watchdog has given it the all-clear. I'm rather pleased about that, as it appeals very much to my black humour.
So without further ado, see what you think: fire in the hole!

But wait...there's more!
While most complaints focused on the 'cruelty' to the fake croc, one complained it might upset soldiers returning from Afghanistan: "It is totally insensitive to the issues around improvised explosive devices faced by Australian and allied troops in overseas theatres of war."(!!!)
However, the ASB ruled the ad did not breach its rules on violence.
The ad agency that created the ad perhaps anticipated the campaign might ruffle a few gallahs' feathers, as it also had an ad ready to respond to complaints:

And it also created an apology for the apology, featuring what appears to be crocodile skin luggage...! LOVE it!!!

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