Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

Anyone seen a 4.5m Great White shark around the Coromandel Peninsula this week?
The shark was spotted cruising leisurely near Cook's Beach last Monday, with two tag-like objects attached. Those tags initially had scientists thinking the shark was Miranda - a notorious large Great White tagged in Stewart Island in 2008. Miranda was the only shark around these parts with two tags, and was re-tagged by some brave soul in Stewart Island in 2009.
However, after inspecting the boaties' photos, it's confirmed the shark is a different bloody big beastie, with two fluoro yellow bait flies stuck near its gills.
Anyone seeing this monster - or any Great Whites - should report them to 0800 DOC HOT...after first running like hell!
At 4.5m this is the biggest Great White reported in NZ waters this summer. If it's a female, it would weigh up to 1.5 tonnes and would be nearing maturity. If it was a male, it would weigh around 800kgs and would already be mature. Female Great Whites grow up to 7m long...which reminds me of that classic line from the 1975 film Jaws: Chief Brody (Roy Scheider)- "You're gonna need a bigger boat!"

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