Friday, November 5, 2010

Cat Got Your...Train?

When I lived in the UK, I heard a myriad reasons for delays in the train schedule - some legit, some downright bizarre - from IRA bombs and jammed signals, to leaves on the rails! An announcement even informed me once that the snowflakes falling were the wrong size! Go figure!
But I never heard anything like the story that came from KiwiRail last week...
A Wellington-bound train was delayed...after a cat sneaked onboard and did detrimental damage to the driver. This man-mauling male moggie was discovered in a closed carriage of the Masterton-to-Wellington service. When a staff member tried to catch it he was scratched so severely he required medical attention: a replacement driver had to be brought in and some rail services in Wellington were briefly disrupted!
The marauding mog was thought to have boarded the train in the Wairarapa, and was found in Wellington. KiwiRail has generously decided not to charge the cat for a fare or for damages caused. And it has also assured the owner that he/she won't be charged anything either!

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