Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bulletpoints For 03 August 2010

Mistress PamFrom broadcaster to politician to brothel madam? Pam Corkery is being linked to plans for NZ's first brothel for women. She's looking for a property in Auckland where sex workers will be male, and clients female. It's believed the brothel plan will be shot as a reality TV series (focused on the hiring of male sex workers) and then continue to operate once complete. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight...
Available to the highest bidder......and from NZ Prime Minister to turn-coat to UN investigator, Geoffrey Palmer will head a probe into Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. All I can say is: Israel's just damn lucky that no whales were involved, or Palmer would've already sided with the Palestinians!
...a report says Auckland's Rugby World Cup venue Eden Park may not have a viable business plan, and poses a significant risk to Auckland ratepayers: they may have to pay a $40 million bill to complete the park's upgrade for next year's Cup! Is that the same multi-million "small beer" blow-out kicked around by Minister Murray McCully last August? Or extra?
We won, right?...US President Obama has confirmed the August 31 deadline for withdrawal of all American combat troops from Iraq will be met. Plans are afoot to ship in thousands of vestal virgins for the Taliban celebrations! Meanwhile, Americans are searching for the definition of "victory"...
Jeremy takes the long way home...and finding a different route home, kiwi Jeremy Burfoot has started his journey to set a world record travelling London-Auckland on a jet ski. The 5-month 32,000km journey, to raise cancer awareness, will take Burfoot and his team along the waterways of Europe, through the Suez Canal, around the Arabian Peninsula and down the coast of India to Australia, before finally berthing in Auckland. Yes, this country IS full of nutters!!!
PS: 19 June 2011 - Pam's brothel idea has been shot down.

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