Monday, February 15, 2010

Stranding Site Too Remote For Help

Twenty-eight pilot whales have died after becoming stranded on an isolated part of Stewart Island yesterday. A bushwalker spotted the whales and used his satellite phone to get help. The whales were scattered along remote West Ruggedy Beach.
Wild seas and 30-40kt.onshore westerly winds made it impossible to mount a rescue effort and Department of Conservation (DOC) staff had to be helicoptered in. Nine whales were already dead and the rest were euthanised to save them further trauma.
mass stranding, Stewart Island, January 2003< Strandings are not uncommon on Stewart Island - 159 pilot whales beached there in 2003. Rescuers faced with a massive task were able to save 39.

1 comment:

  1. Seeker is looking for a solution to save stranded Whales, Dolphins, and other big fish (US$ 1000 reward)
