Saturday, January 23, 2010

'Text-And-Drive'...No-Brainer Of The Century

Duuuh, why can't I concent..conc...concentrate on driving?Last year in the UK, a graphic public service film showing the dangers of using cell phones in cars spread rapidly on the Internet. I first posted this myself Oct.'09, just before NZ introduced a long-overdue "no texting while driving" law...but strangely YouTube removed the clip (and has done several times since).
The video was directed by Peter Watkins-Hughes, an award-winning former BBC TV producer who's also a lecturer for the Documentary Film and Television Department at the Newport School of Art Media and Design in Wales. His own students worked on this drama, which was made for - and with - the local police.
This very realistic clip does a excellent if graphic job of hammering its message home. In my view, it should be seen by every parent and their teenage kids, and be compulsory viewing at all high schools too. Watch it now...before YouTube removes it AGAIN!

PS: 26 Jan.2011 - Five deaths and 182 crashes during 2010 in NZ have been linked to drivers using cellphones.

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