Monday, November 2, 2009

Bill, The Economy... and "those Aussies"

Hoi, U'm Bull Unglush!I for one will be rather relieved when Bill English's ad for TVNZ7's Focus On The Economy programme finishes its run.
Is it appropriate for NZ's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Of Finance to actually front a TV promo (other than featuring via a clip from a press conference or other such event)? While the programme aims to translate the recession into plain English, the title chosen is curiously also the title of Mr.English's personal newsletter! As the Labour Party has screamed, it smells of a National Party political broadcast.
But my concerns are more from my perceptions of the promo.
QUOTE: "We've underperformed compared to the per capita income growth of Australia." So? Some countries are surviving far better than others. Why specifically compare ourselves to Oz? Perhaps the Wizards of Oz have been a bit more effective than you, Toto?
QUOTE: "Y'know, we can beat those Aussies!" Ah-ha! So is this an Oz-bash? And doesn't that line illustrate a poor-little-us hung-dog mentality? Digging out of the recession is not about beating “those Aussies” – since when did they become an enemy or an economic threat?
And finally, QUOTE: "Us kiwis can do it!" That attempt at motivation merely highlights Bill's regularly fumbling grasp of English (excuse the word play). "Us kiwis?" Surely this learned Member of Parliament means "We kiwis"???
(Mind you, this is the same chap who saw no problem claiming accomodation expenses from the taxpayer, for a property he rarely lived in. Maybe he has a limited grasp on a lot of things...)
PS: 18 Nov.2009 - TVNZ discovers hindsight: read on...


  1. Bill English with his abysmal approval rating is fronting a promo? Oh god.

    And I dont need to be a politician to know that the root of NZ and Australias respective economies are VERY different. So very different, Bill.

    There is no "beating Australia" either. This kind of attitude is actually against New Zealands best interests.

    The Australian economy is not better - its just different.

    De-mystifying the NZ recession? Certainly not. Competent Managers won't learn anything new from this show. If anything, it will metaphorically untie the shoelaces of the "mystified" masses - watch them trip over.

    I hope, no wish that this show rates flatly. Shame John Key for letting Bill front this.

  2. I agree! In fact Australia never 'technically' went INTO recession, so we need a programme analysing how/why Australia SUCCEEDED! They obviously do things differently to us and maybe do not have that beaten-down attitude too prevalent in NZ.

    Wendy C.
