Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bridget Jones Strikes Again!

Renee looks good with a bit of extra meat on her! A third Bridget Jones movie is in the pipeline!
Renee Zellweger does it all again, slipping into "oh, those panties" to stumble through her search for love. Production begins late 2010, and she's ready to slap on 28lbs (2 stone)/12kg to play the Chardonnay-swilling PR girl once more.
In the plot there's supposed to be a baby and no christening - Shock! Horror! Probe! And what about Mr.Darcy? If he's there, then so too must be Daniel Cleaver! The Colin Firth/Hugh Grant characters clash so well together.
Zellweger's talked about bringing Bridget Jones out of retirement before, but the idea of deliberately piling on the pounds put her off the idea, especially as all the specialists talk about the long-term dangers of packing on that much weight in such a short time...mind you, Renee's smoking may cause even more damage!
PS: 24 Oct.2009 - Noooooooo!!! Zellweger says: "WHAT sequel?" She reckons she knows nothing about a third Bridget Jones movie, even though every single movie gossip tabloid is trumpeting that #3 is already in pre-production! Watch this space...yes, you too, Renee!
PS: 13 Aug.2011 - Ok, THIS time it IS confirmed!

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