Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bottoms Up!

The Beer Store logo Some people stumble over things when they're drinking alcohol... today I stumbled over an alcohol site while completely sober!
It's for a New Zealand company, The Beer Store, an on-line shop for specialty beers, with over 350 beers in-stock from 20+ different countries.
What caught my eye was the option to purchase not a dozen of this, or a 6-pack of that...but mixed packs - either compiled by "The Beer Store" or your own good self. So you can put together a gift box containing all the recipient's favourite brews from around the world, or browse the stock list for flavours you've never tried before...and be a little adventurous!
Hmmm, wonder if I'll get commission for this plug...? I'm happy to accept a mixed case of Rolling Rock and Molson, thanx!

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